How to build and clear a reference data cache with singleton EJBs and MBeans

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In one of my projects I had a requirement to load reference data from several sources in a Java EE 6 WebLogic environment, with EclipseLink as ORM framework. Since I couldn’t find an annotation in the Java EE world comparable to the sweet @Cacheable from Spring YET, I had to write my “own” caching solution. Although reference data barely changes over time, one extra requirement was to be able to clear the cache from exterior. So here it goes…

1. Cache

This was supposed to be a read-only cache with the possibility to flush it from exterior. I wanted to have the cache as a sort of a wrapper on the service providing the actual reference data for the application – AOP style with code 🙂

1.1. Interface

public interface ReferenceDataCache {

	 * Returns all reference data required in the application
	ReferenceData getReferenceData();

	 * evict/flush all data from cache
	void evictAll();

The caching functionality defines two simple methods:

  • getReferenceData() – which caches the reference data gathered behind the scenes from all the different sources
  • evictAll() – method called to completely clear the cache

1.2. Implementation

public class ReferenceDataCacheBean implements ReferenceDataCache {

	private static final String ALL_REFERENCE_DATA_KEY = "ALL_REFERENCE_DATA";

	private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> refDataCache = null;

	ReferenceDataService referenceDataService;

	public void initialize(){
		this.refDataCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

	public ReferenceData getReferenceData() {
			return refDataCache.get(ALL_REFERENCE_DATA_KEY);
		} else {
			ReferenceData referenceData = referenceDataService.getReferenceData();
			refDataCache.put(ALL_REFERENCE_DATA_KEY, referenceData);

			return referenceData;

	public void evictAll() {


  • @Singleton – probably the most important line of code in this class. This annotation specifies that there will be exactly one singleton of this type of bean in the application. This bean can be invoked concurrently by multiple threads. It comes also with a @PostConstruct annotation. This annotation is used on a method that needs to be executed after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization – in our case is to initialize the “cache”(hash map)
  • the @ConcurrencyManagement(ConcurrencyManagementType.CONTAINER) declares a singleton session bean’s concurrency management type. By default it is set to Container. I use it here only to highlight its existence. The other option ConcurrencyManagementType.BEAN specifies that the bean developer is responsible for managing concurrent access to the bean instance.
  • the actual “cache” is a ConcurrentHashMap which has String based keys and stores Objects. This is being held in memory due to the singleton nature of the bean
  • the injected ReferenceDataService is a @Stateless @EJB that, behind the scenes,  gathers the reference data from the different sources
  • the getReferenceData() method implementation is very simple – it checks whether the ConcurrentHashMap has an entry with the String key specified as constant “ALL_REFERENCE_DATA“. If so this will be retrieved from memory, otherwise will be loaded by the service bean
  • the @Lock(LockType.READ) specifies the concurrency lock type for singleton beans with container-managed concurrency. When set to LockType.READ, it enforces the method to permit full concurrent access to it (assuming no write locks are held). This is exactly what I wanted, as I only need to do read operations. The other more conservative option @Lock(LockType.WRITE), which is the DEFAULT by the way, enforces exclusive access to the bean instance. This should make the method slower in a highly concurrent environment…
  • the evictAll() method, just removes all the elements from the hash map
  • 2. Flushing the cache

    The second part of this post will deal with the possibilities of clearing the cache. Since the cache implementation is an enterprise java bean, we can call it either from an MBean or, why not, from a web service.

    2.1. MBean

    If you are new to Java Management Extensions (JMX) , which is a Java technology that supplies tools for managing and monitoring applications, system objects, devices (e.g. printers) and service oriented networks. Those resources are represented by objects called MBeans (for Managed Bean), I highly recommend you start with this tutorial Trail: Java Management Extensions (JMX)

    2.1.1. Interface

    The method exposed will only allow the reset of the cache via JMX:

    public interface CacheResetMXBean {
    	void resetReferenceDataCache();

    An MXBean is a type of MBean that references only a predefined set of data types. In this way, you can be sure that your MBean will be usable by any client, including remote clients, without any requirement that the client have access to model-specific classes representing the types of your MBeans. MXBeans provide a convenient way to bundle related values together, without requiring clients to be specially configured to handle the bundles.” [4]

    2.1.2. Implementation

    public class CacheReset implements CacheResetMXBean {
    	private MBeanServer platformMBeanServer;
        private ObjectName objectName = null;
    	ReferenceDataCache referenceDataCache;
        public void registerInJMX() {
            try {
            	objectName = new ObjectName("org.codingpedia.simplecacheexample:type=CacheReset");
                platformMBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
                //unregister the mbean before registerting again
                Set<ObjectName> existing = platformMBeanServer.queryNames(objectName, null);
                if(existing.size() > 0){
                platformMBeanServer.registerMBean(this, objectName);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Problem during registration of Monitoring into JMX:" + e);
    	public void resetReferenceDataCache() {


    • as mentioned the implementation only calls the evictAll() method of the injected singleton bean described in the previous section
    • the bean is also defined as @Singleton
    • the @Startup annotation causes the bean to be instantiated by the container when the application starts – eager initialization
    • I use again the @PostConstruct functionality. Here this bean is registered in JMX, checking before if the ObjectName is used to remove it if so…

    2.2. Rest service call

    I’ve also built in the possibility to clear the cache by calling a REST resource. This happends when you execute a HTTP POST on the (rest-context)/reference-data/flush-cache:

    public class ReferenceDataResource {
    	ReferenceDataCache referenceDataCache;
    	public Response flushReferenceDataCache() {
    		return Response.status(Status.OK).entity("Cache successfully flushed").build();
    	@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
    	public Response getReferenceData(@QueryParam("version") String version) {
    		ReferenceData referenceData = referenceDataCache.getReferenceData();
    		if(version!=null && version.equals(referenceData.getVersion())){
    			return Response.status(Status.NOT_MODIFIED).entity("Reference data was not modified").build();
    		} else {
    			return Response.status(Status.OK)

    Notice the existence of the version query parameter in the @GET getReferenceData(...) method.  This represents a hash on the reference data and if it hasn’t modified the client will receive a 304 Not Modified HTTP Status. This is a nice way to spare some bandwidth, especially if you have mobile clients. See my post Tutorial – REST API design and implementation in Java with Jersey and Spring, for a detailed discussion around REST services design and implementation.

    Note: In a clustered environment, you need to call resetCache(…) on each JVM where the application is deployed, when the reference data changes.

    Well, that’s it. In this post we’ve learned how to build a simple cache with Java EE annotations :). Of course you can easily extend the cache functionality to offer more granular access/clearing to cached objects. Don’t forget to use LockType.WRITE for the clear methods in this case…



    1. @Singleton – the perfect cache facade by Adam Bien
    2. @Singleton – the simplest possible JMX MXBean by Adam Bien
    3. Tomee – Singleton Beans
    4. Trail: Java Management Extensions (JMX)
    5. Spring Cache Abstraction
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    Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)

    Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)
    Life force expressing itself as a coding capable human being

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