Please read the Contributing guide guide first to make sure you have the right setup in place to contribute a new post to is developed currently with Jekyll, so there are some standard rules you need to follow, but as you’ll see in the coming paragraphs that is very easy and makes a lot of sense.

1 Add information about you

Before you first commit, don’t forget to branch

Open the file _data/authors.yml in your favorite editor, and at the end of the file add information about yourself as in the following example:

  name:          Adixchen
  avatar:         images/authors/amacoder.png
  bio:            "Life force expressing itself as a coding capable human being"
  # Twitter nick for use in Twitter cards and follow button.
  twitter: codingpedia # if no twitter in this config, the twitter follow button will be removed
  # GitHub nick for use in follow button in author block.
  github: amacoder
    - title: "github"
      url: ""
    - title: "youtube"
      url: ""

Let’s go through the elements now one by one:

  • The first element (here ama) is very important, as it is used in your posts to identify you, the author
  • name - your name
  • site - your website, where visitors can find out more about you; it is the the “About Your Name” link
  • avatar - a picture of you, please upload one in the images/authors/folder
  • bio - short information about you
  • email - your email address
  • twitter - your twitter account name
  • github - your github account name
  • social - here you can list your accounts on the different social media, but make sure you add the complete url

The result is placed at the end of your posts and looks something like the following: About author

2 Write your post

2.1 Placement and naming convention

Your new post has to conform to the following rules

  • it needs to be added in the _posts directory
  • the naming convention of your new file is important, and must follow the format: The permalinks can be customized for each post, but the date and markup language (in our case Markdown) are determined solely by the file name. (e.g.

2.2 Configure the front-matter of the post

The front matter must be the first thing in the file and must take the form of valid YAML set between triple-dashed lines. Here is a basic example:

layout: post
title: How to insert and highlight code in Jekyll blog post on
description: "Demo post displaying the various ways of inserting and highlighting code in Markdown, when posting on"
author: ama
permalink: /ama/how-to-insert-and-highlight-code-in-jekyll-blog-post-on-codingpedia-org
modified: 2014-12-23
tags: [sample post, code, highlighting]
categories: [intro]

# properties only relevant if this is a republished post
republished: true
original_title: How to insert and highlight code in jekyll blog post on

Let’s have again a look at the different elements now

  • layout - needs to be set to post
  • title - the title of your post; one tip here is that the title of your blog post should include a keyword, but just be sure to keep your long-tail keyword under 70 characters. The title of your post will be a search engine and reader’s first step in determining the relevancy of your content, so including a keyword here is vital.
  • description - short description of your post, shoul be no more than 140 characters
  • author - the author you have previously defined in the _data/auhors.yml
  • permalink - this is added to and will form the post’s URL; the permalink should have the format [author/seo-friendly-title]; author is the name specified before; seo-frienly-title could be your title with hyphens instead of spaces; to find out more about SEO friendly url follow this link
  • modified - the date when the post was last modified in [yyyy-MM-dd] format
  • tags - relevant tags/keywords for the post - no more than 5; see the tags page for already used tags
  • categories - relevant categories - no more than 2; see the categoreis page for already used categories
  • republished - these three properties are relevant only when the post is republished from another website; it generates the Republished from paragraph… at the end of the post
  • original_title - title of the original post
  • original_url - URL of the original post

2.3 Post

Things to consider when writing a post:

  • add a short introduction, where you tell the readers what the post is about
  • after the short introduction put in a tag; this will end the excerpt shown before Continue reading, when the post is present in a list
  • you most likely will include code - see How to insert and highlight code in Jekyll blog post on for the different possibilities to insert code in your post
  • give credit to others and put reference links at the end of the article
  • be polite and open when replying to comments
  • make sure you comply with our Publishing Policies

We are looking forward to your contribution to the coding community and please leave a comment if something is unclear to you - thank you.

Note: No time to contribute original posts to yet, but you strongly believe you have coding-related articles worth sharing, then you can join our Coding Friend Program and have your best ones republished.