Improved bookmarking of StackOverflow questions

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I found myself lately adding more StackOverflow questions to my dev bookmarks collection, so I took the challenge over the weekend to make this experience more pleasant. In this blog post I will present you the result - improve auto completion of bookmark attributes on creation, login with Stackoverflow account and visual hinting for stackoverflow bookmarks.

Improve auto completion of stackoverflow bookmarks

The existing scrapper adds the title of stackoverflow questions, but more was certainly possible. Indeed by using the stackexchange api I was able to automatically add extra the tags and the creation date of the question. Unfortunately the correct answer is not made available via the API, or I did not find out how yet. So let’s see how that works.


In backend the changes are minimal. Chedck if the scrape path contains a stackoverflowQuestionId query param and then we invoke the api with a key registered on stackapps to get the data


/* GET stackoverflow question data */
router.get('/scrape', async function (request, response, next) {
  const stackoverflowQuestionId = request.query.stackoverflowQuestionId;
  if (stackoverflowQuestionId) {
    const webpageData = await PublicBookmarksService.getStackoverflowQuestionData(stackoverflowQuestionId)

    return response.send(webpageData);
  } else {


I use superagent to make the REST api call

let getStackoverflowQuestionData = async (stackoverflowQuestionId) => {
  const response = await request
    .query({site: 'stackoverflow'})
    .query({key: process.env.STACK_EXCHANGE_API_KEY || "change-me-with-a-valid-stackexchange-key-if-you-need-me"});

  const tags = response.body.items[0].tags;
  const title = response.body.items[0].title;
  const creationDateMillis = response.body.items[0].creation_date * 1000;
  const creationDate = new Date(creationDateMillis).toISOString();
  const publishedOn = creationDate.substring(0, creationDate.indexOf('T'));

  const webpageData = {
    title: title,
    tags: tags,
    publishedOn: publishedOn

  return webpageData;

With a key your rate is currently limited to 10000 calls per day, otherwise to just 300


In front-end a little bit more work was needed, since some refactoring was involved.

  private getScrapeData(location) {
    this.personalBookmarkPresent = false;
    const youtubeVideoId = this.getYoutubeVideoId(location);
    if (youtubeVideoId) {
      this.bookmarkForm.get('youtubeVideoId').patchValue(youtubeVideoId, {emitEvent: false});
      this.publicBookmarksService.getYoutubeVideoData(youtubeVideoId).subscribe((webpageData: WebpageData) => {
        error => {
          console.error(`Problems when scraping data for youtube id ${youtubeVideoId}`, error);
    } else {
      const stackoverflowQuestionId = this.getStackoverflowQuestionId(location);
      if (stackoverflowQuestionId) {
        this.bookmarkForm.get('stackoverflowQuestionId').patchValue(stackoverflowQuestionId, {emitEvent: false});
        this.publicBookmarksService.getStackoverflowQuestionData(stackoverflowQuestionId).subscribe((webpageData: WebpageData) => {
          error => {
            console.error(`Problems when scraping data for stackoverflow id ${stackoverflowQuestionId}`, error);
      } else {

  private getStackoverflowQuestionId(location: string) {
    let stackoverflowQuestionId = null;
    const regExpMatchArray = location.match(/stackoverflow\.com\/questions\/(\d+)/);
    if (regExpMatchArray) {
      stackoverflowQuestionId = regExpMatchArray[1];

    return stackoverflowQuestionId;

  private patchFormAttributesWithScrapedData(webpageData) {
    if (webpageData.title) {
      this.bookmarkForm.get('name').patchValue(webpageData.title, {emitEvent: false});
    if (webpageData.publishedOn) {
      this.bookmarkForm.get('publishedOn').patchValue(webpageData.publishedOn, {emitEvent: false});
    if (webpageData.metaDescription) {
      this.bookmarkForm.get('description').patchValue(webpageData.metaDescription, {emitEvent: false});
    if (webpageData.tags) {
      for (let i = 0; i < webpageData.tags.length; i++) {
        const formTags = this.bookmarkForm.get('tags') as FormArray;


If it is recognised it involves a stackoverflow question via the getStackoverflowQuestionId(location: string) method. The backend api is then called to receive the question metadata.

The API invoking part:

  getStackoverflowQuestionData(stackoverflowQuestionId: string) {
    const params = new HttpParams()
      .set('stackoverflowQuestionId', stackoverflowQuestionId)
    return this.httpClient
      .get<WebpageData>(`${this.publicBookmarksApiBaseUrl}/scrape`, {params: params});

With this data the title, tags and creation date autocomplete for you:

Login with stackoverflow

Visual hints

Once the bookmark is submitted a stackoverflow “hint” is place in front of the resource:

Stackoverflow hint

Single Sign-On (SSO) with Stackoverflow Account

Since I am using Keycloak as Identity provider, it was also pretty easy to setup the stackoverflow login with it. See the official documentation needed for setup. Now you can use your Stackoverflow account to Login and register on

Login with stackoverflow


I hope these new additions will make managing your dev bookmarks a little better. If you have other improvements ideas please submit them on Github

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Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)

Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)
Life force expressing itself as a coding capable human being

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