JavaScript hoisting example reloaded

    <title>Hoisting example reloaded</title>
    &lt;h1&gt;Hoisting in action&lt;/h1&gt;
    &lt;script type="application/javascript"&gt;
        var hoisting = "global variable";
        alert("global 'hoisting' var =&gt; " + hoisting);
            alert("local 'hoisting' var (BEFORE declaration WILL NOT PICK its global 'shadow' -&gt; undefined !) =&gt; " + hoisting);
            var hoisting = "local variable";
            alert("local 'hoisting' var (AFTER declaration WILL HIDE its global 'shadow' -&gt; assigned value !) =&gt; " + hoisting);
            // block
                var hoisting = "block variable";
                alert("block 'hoisting' var (AFTER declaration WILL OVERRIDE its local 'shadow' -&gt; assigned value !) =&gt; " + hoisting);
            // after block
            alert("local 'hoisting' var REPLACED AFTER BLOCK with its block 'shadow' =&gt; " + hoisting);
            // THE moral
            alert("The Hoisting MORAL: ALL local variables (even from blocks) are pre-defined/hoisted by JavaScript Runtime in front of the method body !\nDYI to make it clear !");
        })(); //self-executing function

Thank you Dev{eloper} Stonez (@devstonez) for the tip.

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Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)

Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)
Life force expressing itself as a coding capable human being

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