Patching my way through FormGroups and FormControls in Angular reactive forms

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Here goes my first Angular post - yeeey. Well, it’s not super exciting, but practical and specific… Topic - generic: present how to update a field’s value in a reactive form field, once a value in another field is given. Topic - concrete: there is a personal bookmarks section on; when you add a new bookmark and you fill in the location field with an URL, the title field is being automatically filled in by scraping the page for its title. Of course later you have the possibility to change it.

In the end I present the struggle that led me to the solution.

Octocat Source code for is available on Github - Star

The component template

The HTML template is pretty standard. I use reactive forms1 to get the data:

<div class="container">
  <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
    <form [formGroup]="bookmarkForm" novalidate (ngSubmit)="saveBookmark(bookmarkForm.value, bookmarkForm.valid)">
      <div class="form-group">
        <label for="location">Location*</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="location"
               placeholder="Usually an URL">
        <div [hidden]="bookmarkForm.controls.location.valid || (bookmarkForm.controls.location.pristine && !submitted)"
             class="alert alert-danger">
          Location is required
      <div class="form-group">
        <label for="name">Title*</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="name"
               placeholder="Name of the bookmark to recognize later">
        <div [hidden]=" || ( && !submitted)"
             class="alert alert-danger">
          Name is required
      <div class="form-group">
        <label for="tags">Tags* - comma separated</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="tags"
               placeholder='keywoards - comma separated (e.g. "jvm, regex")'>
        <div [hidden]="bookmarkForm.controls.tagsLine.valid || (bookmarkForm.controls.tagsLine.pristine && !submitted)"
             class="alert alert-danger">
          Please provide the tags separated with comma
      <div class="form-group">
        <label for="description">Notes...</label>
        <textarea class="form-control"
                  placeholder="Make some notes to help you later by searching...">
      <div class="form-check">
        <label class="form-check-label">
          <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="true" formControlName="shared">
          <strong> Make this bookmark public so others can benefit from it </strong>
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" [disabled]="!bookmarkForm.valid">Submit</button>

The component class

export class UserBookmarkFormComponent implements OnInit {

  model = new Bookmark('', '', '', [], '');
  bookmarkForm: FormGroup;
  userId = null;

    private userBookmarkStore: UserBookmarkStore,
    private router: Router,
    private formBuilder: FormBuilder,
    private keycloakService: KeycloakService,
    private bookmarkService: BookmarkService
    const keycloak = keycloakService.getKeycloak();
    if(keycloak) {
      this.userId = keycloak.subject;

  ngOnInit(): void {

    this.bookmarkForm ={
      name: ['', Validators.required],
      location: ['', Validators.required],
      tagsLine:['', Validators.required],
      shared: false

      .subscribe(formData => {
        if(formData.location && !{
          console.log('location changed', formData);
          this.bookmarkService.getBookmarkTitle(formData.location).subscribe(response => {
              this.bookmarkForm.controls['name'].patchValue(response.title, {emitEvent : false});

  saveBookmark(model: Bookmark, isValid: boolean) {
    model.tags = model.tagsLine.split(",");
    var newBookmark = new Bookmark(, model.location, model.category,model.tagsLine.split(","), model.description);

    newBookmark.userId = this.userId;
    newBookmark.shared = model.shared;

    let obs = this.userBookmarkStore.addBookmark(this.userId, newBookmark);

      res => {

In the component class I declare a form builder2 with a couple of validators:

this.bookmarkForm ={
  name: ['', Validators.required],
  location: ['', Validators.required],
  tagsLine:['', Validators.required],
  shared: false

to then listen for valuesChanges on the on the location field/FormControl and update the name/title field/FormControl when that’s the case (too long, cut it):

  .subscribe(location => {
    console.log('Location: ', location);
    this.bookmarkService.getBookmarkTitle(location).subscribe(response => {
        this.bookmarkForm.controls['name'].patchValue(response.title, {emitEvent : false});

The struggle

Very interesting is how I came up with this solution. Initially I patched the whole form/group of elements3:

 // ************ WRONG **************
 bookmarkForm: FormGroup;
    .subscribe(formData => {
        console.log('location changed', formData);
        this.bookmarkService.getBookmarkTitle(formData.location).subscribe(response => {

because this is the proper way to partially update the reactive form, right? Wrong, at least in my case, because the valueChanges started to fire continually. Setting the emitEvent flag on false at this level, did not help either, as perhaps suggested in the documentation 4:

 // ************ BETTER, but still WRONG **************
    .subscribe(formData => {
        console.log('location changed', formData);
        this.bookmarkService.getBookmarkTitle(formData.location).subscribe(response => {
            this.bookmarkForm.patchValue({name:response.title}, {emitEvent : false});

Looking through the source code, you can see that the emitEvent flag does not apply at the FormGroup Level:

 *  Patches the value of the {@link FormGroup}. It accepts an object with control
 *  names as keys, and will do its best to match the values to the correct controls
 *  in the group.
 *  It accepts both super-sets and sub-sets of the group without throwing an error.
 *  ### Example
 *  ```
 *  const form = new FormGroup({
 *     first: new FormControl(),
 *     last: new FormControl()
 *  });
 *  console.log(form.value);   // {first: null, last: null}
 *  form.patchValue({first: 'Nancy'});
 *  console.log(form.value);   // {first: 'Nancy', last: null}
 *  ```
patchValue(value: {
    [key: string]: any;
}, {onlySelf}?: {
    onlySelf?: boolean;
}): void;

but rather at the FormControl level:

 * Patches the value of a control.
 * This function is functionally the same as {@link FormControl.setValue} at this level.
 * It exists for symmetry with {@link FormGroup.patchValue} on `FormGroups` and `FormArrays`,
 * where it does behave differently.
patchValue(value: any, options?: {
    onlySelf?: boolean;
    emitEvent?: boolean;
    emitModelToViewChange?: boolean;
    emitViewToModelChange?: boolean;
}): void;

where it acts similar to the setValue function. Knowing now this, I came up with a working solution:

// ************ WORKS, but not OPTIMAL **************
  .subscribe(formData => {
    if(formData.location && !{ //have data in location field and name/title field is still empty
      console.log('location changed', formData);
      this.bookmarkService.getBookmarkTitle(formData.location).subscribe(response => {
        console.log('Response: ', response);
          this.bookmarkForm.controls['name'].patchValue(response.title, {emitEvent : false});

to patch the whole FormGroup and build in some if() logic to fulfill my needs. After sleeping it through, the right and more elegant solution came to mind, which I’ll post againg bellow :

// ************ OPTIMAL so far **************
  .subscribe(location => {
    console.log('Location: ', location);
    this.bookmarkService.getBookmarkTitle(location).subscribe(response => {
        this.bookmarkForm.controls['name'].patchValue(response.title, {emitEvent : false});

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Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)

Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)
Life force expressing itself as a coding capable human being

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