How to run test.each tests in jest with async await

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(P) Codever is an open source bookmarks and snippets manager for developers & co. See our How To guides to help you get started. Public bookmarks repos on Github ⭐🙏

Method to test

Given the async/await function to find snippets on Codever

let findSnippets = async function (isPublic, userId, query, page, limit, searchInclude) {
  //split in text and tags
  const searchTermsAndTags = searchUtils.splitSearchQuery(query);
  const searchTerms = searchTermsAndTags.terms;
  const searchTags = searchTermsAndTags.tags;

  const {specialSearchTerms, fulltextSearchTerms} = searchUtils.extractFulltextAndSpecialSearchTerms(searchTerms);

  let filter = {}
  filter = searchUtils.setPublicOrPersonalFilter(isPublic, filter, userId);
  filter = searchUtils.setTagsToFilter(searchTags, filter);
  filter = searchUtils.setFulltextSearchTermsFilter(fulltextSearchTerms, filter, searchInclude);
  filter = searchUtils.setSpecialSearchTermsFilter(isPublic, userId, specialSearchTerms, filter);

  let snippets = await Snippet.find(
      score: {$meta: "textScore"}
    .sort({score: {$meta: "textScore"}})
    .skip((page - 1) * limit)

  return snippets;

I would like verify if the filter is correctly set for different scenarios.

Test method

test.each is very practical in jest, if you keep duplicating the same test with different data and is very appropriate here.

In the following example you can see the corresponding test method with jest, that mocks the MondoDB find call to assert in the end the expected call, all in async/await style:

const snippetsSearchService = require('./snippets-search.service');

const Snippet = require('../model/snippet');
jest.mock('../model/snippet', () => {
  return {
    find: jest.fn(() => ({
      sort: jest.fn(() => ({
        skip: jest.fn(() => ({
          limit: jest.fn(() => ({
            lean: jest.fn(() => ({
              exec: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve([{_id: '123', name: 'Test Snippet'}]))

describe('findSnippets to have been called with', () => {
  const input = {
    isPublic: false,
    userId: 'user1',
    page: 1,
    limit: 10,
    searchInclude: 'any'

        query: 'codever testing'
        userId: input.userId,
        $text: {$search: 'codever testing'}
        userId: undefined,
        isPublic: true,
        query: 'codever testing'
        public: true,
        $text: {$search: 'codever testing'}
        searchInclude: undefined,
        query: 'codever testing'
        userId: input.userId,
        $text: {$search: '"codever" "testing"'}
        searchInclude: undefined,
        query: 'codever testing -javascript'
        userId: input.userId,
        $text: {$search: '"codever" "testing" -javascript'}
        query: '[javascript]'
        userId: input.userId,
            $all: ['javascript']
        query: '[javascript] jest testing'
        userId: input.userId,
        $text: {$search: 'jest testing'},
            $all: ['javascript']
        query: '[javascript] jest testing'
        userId: input.userId,
        $text: {$search: 'jest testing'},
            $all: ['javascript']
  ])('given input params %p , should use filter %p ', async (input, expectedFilter) => {
    await snippetsSearchService.findSnippets(input.isPublic, input.userId, input.query,, input.limit, input.searchInclude);
    expect(Snippet.find).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedFilter, {score: {$meta: 'textScore'}});

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Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)

Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)
Life force expressing itself as a coding capable human being

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