
JPA translates entity state transitions to database DML statements. Because it’s common to operate on entity graphs, JPA allows us to propagate entity state changes from Parents to Child entities.

This behavior is configured through the CascadeType mappings.

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More Agile Testing

A few weeks ago on one of my TestTalks podcasts, I interviewed Janet Gregory, co-author of some of the most popular books on Agile Testing:

Janet shared some of her tips and tricks on how teams can succeed with all their Agile testing efforts.

The three points from the interview that I want to focus on in this post are:

  • The Agile Mindset
  • The Agile Testing Quadrants
  • The Dangers of putting off automation
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In my previous blog post, Quick way to check if the REST API is alive – GET details from Manifest file, I showed how to develop a REST resource to easy check if the developed REST API is reachable. In this post I will present how you can secure this resource with Spring Security and Basic authentication – “In the context of an HTTP transaction, basic access authentication is a method for an HTTP user agent to provide a user name and password when making a request.”

The secured REST resources introduced here are part of bigger project, presented extensively in the Tutorial – REST API design and implementation in Java with Jersey and Spring

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JSF is not what we often think it is. It’s also a framework that can be somewhat tricky to debug, specially when first encountered. In this post let’s go over on why that is and provide some JSF debugging techniques. We will go through the following topics:

  • JSF is not what we often think
  • The difficulties of JSF debugging
  • How to debug JSF systematically
  • How JSF Works – The JSF lifecycle
  • Debugging an Ajax request from browser to server and back
  • Debugging the JSF frontend Javascript code
  • Final thoughts – alternatives? (questions to the reader)
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There might be cases when you want to quickly verify if your REST API, that is deployed either on dev, test or prod environments, is reachable altogether. A common way to do this is by building a generic resource that delivers for example the version of the deployed API. You can trigger a request to this resource manually or, even better, have a Jenkings/Hudson job, which runs a checkup job after deployment. In this post, I will present how to implement such a service that reads the implementation details from the application’s manifest file. The API verified, is the one developed in the Tutorial – REST API design and implementation in Java with Jersey and Spring

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