Pass data through window object history in Angular navigation

Project: codever - File: snippet-form.base.component.ts

In the router.navigate method place the object /data in the state field of the navigation extras parameter

//  constructor( protected router: Router) {}

  navigateToSnippetDetails(snippet: Codelet, queryParams: Params): void {
    const link = [`./my-snippets/${snippet._id}/details`];
    this.router.navigate(link, {
      state: {snippet: snippet},
      queryParams: queryParams

To receive on the the other end of the line, just look for it in window.history.state

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.popup = this.route.snapshot.queryParamMap.get('popup');
    this.snippet$ = of(window.history.state.snippet);
    if (!window.history.state.snippet) {
      this.userInfoStore.getUserInfo$().subscribe(userInfo => {
        this.userId = userInfo.sub;
        this.codeletId = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
        this.snippet$ = this.personalCodeletsService.getPersonalCodeletById(this.userId, this.codeletId);

Reference -

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Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)

Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)
Life force expressing itself as a coding capable human being

routerLink with query params in Angular html template

routerLink with query params in Angular html template code snippet Continue reading