Show docker containers commands

To list the docker running containers use the following command:

docker ps

To show all running containers use the -a (--all) option:

docker ps -a

If you want to filter, by name for example you can use the --filter option with the name=containing_text value

$ docker ps --filter "name=codever"
8a01ae8ef526   jboss/keycloak:6.0.1   "/opt/jboss/tools/do…"   3 days ago      Exited (255) 10 hours ago>8080/tcp     codever-keycloak
f7c51c81dc4f   mongo:3.4              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 days ago      Exited (255) 10 hours ago>27017/tcp   codever-mongo
5b2f88b9fe57   postgres               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 days ago      Exited (255) 10 hours ago   5432/tcp                   codever-postgres

You could also obtain similar results if piping the docker ps command to grep - docker ps -a | grep codever

Reference -

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Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)

Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)
Life force expressing itself as a coding capable human being

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