How to handle multiple authors in Jekyll

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One of my main concern when I considered the migration from Wordpress to Jekyll was how would I be able to handle multiple authors, because this plays an important role in the website supporting our Coding Friend Program. Fear no more, I have found a satisfactory way to handle multiple authors with Jekyll1 and in this short post I list the main points concerning that.

In Wordpress, the author’s username was present in the custom URL format -{author_username}/seo-friendly-url - this had to be kept. Good thing in Jekyll you can define custom permalinks2 per post. The Jekyll Exporter plugin did a great job and by exported the permalinks exactly as they were in Wordpress. Here a couple samples from front matters3 of different exported posts:

permalink: /ama/tutorial-rest-api-design-and-implementation-in-java-with-jersey-and-spring/
permalink: /cwbuecheler/understanding-javascript-callbacks/
permalink: /udemy/git-tutorial-a-comprehensive-guide/

If I had to start a new multi author blog all over again, I might also consider something like the following{author_username}/posts/seo-friendly-url (more REST like, but a thorough research would be on the table)… Anyway with Jekyll you have the possibility to choose whatever you like for each post, by customizing the permalink in its front matter.

Author specific details in posts

Another nice feature I wanted to keep from Wordpress was the author’s description (bio + social accounts) at the end of each post. Of course you can copy/paste html or markdown snippets stored somewhere the end of the post, but that’s more of a hackle and if you need to change a detail about an author you need to make the change in every post of the author - for the migrated posts is no way around this (because I had the html exported), but how to go from now on?

In Wordpress I used a Global Content Blocks Plugin or something, and I had this issue that when editing a global content item in visual mode most of the content would disappear, so I had to be careful to only open them in text mode - hello ONLY code editing in Jekyll :)

Good thing Jekyll supports data files4, where you can specify your own custom data that can be accessed via the Liquid templating system. So I created an authors.yml YAML5 file in the _data folder as required by specification4:

  name:          Adrian Matei
  avatar:         amacoder.png
  bio:            "Life force expressing itself as a coding capable human being"
  # Twitter nick for use in Twitter cards and follow button.
  twitter: codingpedia # if no twitter in this config, the twitter follow button will be removed
  # GitHub nick for use in follow button in author block.
  github: amacoder
    - title: "github"
      url: ""
    - title: "youtube"
      url: ""
  name:          Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory
  avatar:         dexter.jpg
  bio:            "A boy-genius and inventor with a secret laboratory, who constantly battles his sister Dee Dee in an attempt to keep her out of the lab."
  # Twitter nick for use in Twitter cards and follow button.
  twitter: codingpedia # if no twitter in this config, the twitter follow button will be removed
  # GitHub nick for use in follow button in author block.
  github: amacoder
    - title: "github"
      url: ""
    - title: "youtube"
      url: ""

Now in the post’s YAML front matter I use an author: entry, containing a key that matches one in the authors.yml, mentioned above. For example, newer posts from me have an entry like author: ama.

So to include the author related details at the end of a post I have the following section in _layouts/post.html:

{% assign author =[] %}
{% if author %}
{% include author.html %}
{% endif %}

The _includes/author.html includes different author related attributes:

<div class="read-more">
  <div class="read-more-header">
    <a href="{{ }}" class="read-more-btn">About the Author</a>
  </div><!-- /.read-more-header -->
  <div class="read-more-content author-info">
    <div class="author-container">
      {% if author.avatar_url %}
        <img class="author-img" src="{{author.avatar_url}}" alt="{{}}" />
      {% else %}
        <img class="author-img" src="{{site.url}}/{{author.avatar}}" alt="{{}}" />
      {% endif %}
      <div class="author-bio">{{}}</div>
    <div class="author-share">
      <ul class="list-inline social-buttons">
        {% for network in %}
          <li><a href="{{ network.url }}" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-{{ network.title }} fa-fw"></i></a></li>
        {% endfor %}
      {% if author.github %}
        <a aria-label="Follow @{{author.github}} on GitHub" data-style="mega" href="{{author.github}}" class="github-button">Follow @{{author.github}}</a>
      {% endif %}
      {% if author.twitter %}
        <a href="{{author.twitter}}" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false" data-size="large">Follow @{{author.twitter}}</a>
      {% endif %}

You can see the result at the end of this post in the About author section.


The same functionality is valid when generating the entries in the atom feed.xml :

{% for post in site.posts limit:20 %}
  <title type="html"><![CDATA[{{ post.title | cdata_escape }}]]></title>
 <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="{% if %}{{ }}{% else %}{{ site.url }}{{ post.url }}{% endif %}" />
  <id>{{ site.url }}{{ }}</id>
  {% if post.modified %}<updated>{{ post.modified | to_xmlschema }}T00:00:00-00:00</updated>
  <published>{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}</published>
  {% else %}<published>{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}</published>
  <updated>{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}</updated>{% endif %}
  {% assign author =[] %}
  {% if author %}
    <name>{{ }}</name>
    <uri>{{ }}</uri>
    {% if %}
    <email>{{ }}</email>
    {% endif %}
  {% else %}
    <name>{{ }}</name>
    <uri>{{ site.url }}</uri>
    <email>{{ }}</email>
  {% endif %}
  <content type="html">
    {{ post.content | xml_escape }}
    {% include feed-footer.html %}
{% endfor %}

What’s missing

In Wordpress if I clicked on{author_username} I would get all the posts of the name author with pagination if they were more than five, I guess it’s a nice feature and once I will implement that I will post it here.

I hope you’ve found this useful and if you see any improvement possibilities to this approach please leave a comment below, or even better make a pull request to improve the source code directly - thanks.


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Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)

Adrian Matei (aka adixchen)
Life force expressing itself as a coding capable human being

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routerLink with query params in Angular html template code snippet Continue reading