I find myself lately looking for recent visited bookmarks via the Ctrl+h - History dialog on Bookmarks.dev. To make my life even easier, I added a filter box in the dialog. You can now add one or more keywords to filter the displayed results even further. One thing let to another and I have added the filter box to other bookmarks lists, like Pinned, ReadLater or My Dashboard:

show filter animation

In this blog post I will present the implementation in Angular required to achieve this new feature.

Octocat Source code for Codever.dev is available on Github - Star

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As you might recall from my previous post GraphQL Resources to help you get started, I have started to dig deeper into GraphQL. What better way to deepen one’s knowledge than with a hands-on experience? So, in this blog post I will present the implementation of a GraphQL server API that provides CRUD operations. I chose the Javascript implementation of GraphQL, GraphQL-js 1 and set up a GraphQL server with Express Graphql2. To make the scenario more realistic, the API developed in GraphQL acts as integration layer to the existing REST API supporting Bookmarks.dev.

You can find the source code for the examples in this post on Github: graphql-expressjs-crud-demo

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I have recently started to look more thoroughly into GraphQL. I must say I felt a bit overwhelmed at the beginning with the question - “Where do I start?”, I mean take a look at the spec… or don’t! Not yet.

I had already bookmarked dozens of GraphQL resources, I had read or watched before. I sat down and analyzed them again. So, I came up with a list of GraphQL resources I found most useful to begin. Thus, you can get a good grasp of GraphQL in about two or three days.

Note: The order is also important

After you are done with the theory I suggest you get your hands dirty and checkout my second blog post on GraphQL - Complete example of a CRUD API with Express GraphQL

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In this blog post I will list of the troubles I went through getting to run the Bookmarks.dev API on PM21 in cluster mode on an Ubuntu system with Node.js managed by NVM. The PM2 setup was on a single node (aka fork mode) until now with no problems, but I decided to take advantage of the multi-core capability and enable cluster mode with PM2.

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Finding the desired link again or that working piece of code can be sometimes a tedious job. It can even become frustrating when you don’t find it in a reasonable amount of time, because you know it’s there somewhere, you’ve seen it before… After a struggle of about two or more minutes you finally find it.

Nailed it

For code snippets it might take even longer depending on your project portfolio’s size. I had sometimes the impression I spent more time looking for stuff than actually programming

This time you bookmark the resource, and say to yourself - “from now on I will be more disciplined and consciously use bookmarks and a code snippet manager”.

So far, so good, but soon the bookmarks toolbar won’t fit into your 4k wide monitor anymore, and you might lose more time browsing through them… Because you bookmarked it, right?

Or didn't you?
Or didn't you?
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