This blog post presents the steps required to connect to the MySql database from the command line and modify the size of a column in a table. The example is based on the MySql database that is backing Keycloak to run For a setup of the environment you can see the wiki article Keycloak MySQL Setup

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Recently I’ve taken the time to update the API documentation for I used the Swagger 2.0 (aka OAS 2) before and I decided to update to OpenAPI Specification (OAS) 3. In this post I will highlight the main points about the process and documenting the API with OAS 3. Some points might still apply to the former OAS 2 (fka Swagger) documentation, but they are worth mentioning since I hadn’t payed enough attention before and I find them useful.

You can find the OAS 3 specification for on Github and the result is available at

Here are the key takeaways.

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In this short blog post I will show you how to call the Youtube Data API v3 to get information about youtube videos. I am especially interested in the video duration, description, title, tags and publication date attributes. This is the metadata I use to automagically bookmark youtube videos.

Source code for this article can be found on Github

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I found myself lately adding more StackOverflow questions to my dev bookmarks collection, so I took the challenge over the weekend to make this experience more pleasant. In this blog post I will present you the result - improve auto completion of bookmark attributes on creation, login with Stackoverflow account and visual hinting for stackoverflow bookmarks.

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What started out as a simple code duplication removal, turned out into a major refactoring with complete rewriting of error handling, moving of business logic/db access into separate service files (about this in another blog post) and rewriting of all integration tests to use async/await. In this blog post I will focus on the custom error handling and how it made the code much cleaner for the REST API supporting The API uses ExpressJS, currently in version 4.

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