Project: codever - File: howto-get-started.component.scss

Set margin-left and margin-right to auto to align in center of the page/div and text-align to align the text and image inside of the table headers and cells:

.extensions-table {
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
  th, td {
    width: 8rem;
    text-align: center;

The html part

<div class="container">
    <h2>Get started</h2>
    <p class="lead">Codever is a bookmark and code snippets manager created and designed for Developers & Co.
      The following helpers and extensions will assist you along the way:
    <table class="extensions-table">
        <th align="center"><a
          rel="nofollow"><img src="./assets/img/bookmark-48.png" alt="Bookmark" ></a>
        <th align="center" ><a
          rel="nofollow"><img src="./assets/img/chrome-48.png" alt="Chrome logo" ></a>
        <th align="center" ><a
          rel="nofollow"><img src="./assets/img/firefox-48.png" alt="Firefox logo" ></a>
        <th align="center" ><a
          rel="nofollow"><img src="./assets/img/intellij-48.png" alt="IntelliJ Logo" ></a>
        <td align="center" ><a
        <td align="center" ><a
        <td align="center" class="ml-2"><a
        <td align="center" class="ml-2"><a
          rel="nofollow">IntelliJ plugin</a></td>

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Project Codever

  1. get access to the input field via template variable @ViewChild('publicSearchBox') searchBoxField: ElementRef;
  2. get access to the autcomplete trigger to close the panel (we don’t want that when the page loads) - @ViewChild(MatAutocompleteTrigger) autocompleteTrigger: MatAutocompleteTrigger;`
  3. call focus() and closePanel() on the two elements in one of Angular’s lifecycle hooks - here in AfterViewInit
  selector: 'app-searchbar',
  templateUrl: './searchbar.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./searchbar.component.scss']
export class SearchbarComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {

  @ViewChild('publicSearchBox') searchBoxField: ElementRef;
  @ViewChild(MatAutocompleteTrigger) autocompleteTrigger: MatAutocompleteTrigger;

  ngAfterViewInit(): void {


Below you can see how the referenced template variable (publicSearchBox) and the angular autocomplete trigger are defined in the angular html template:

    []="searchDomain === 'my-snippets'"
    []="searchDomain === 'my-bookmarks'"
    [class.public-snippets-selection]="searchDomain === 'public-snippets'"
    (keyup.enter)="$; autocompleteTrigger.closePanel();searchBookmarksFromSearchBox(publicSearchBox.value)"

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Codever is open source on Github ⭐🙏

To list the docker running containers use the following command:

docker ps

To show all running containers use the -a (--all) option:

docker ps -a

If you want to filter, by name for example you can use the --filter option with the name=containing_text value

$ docker ps --filter "name=codever"
8a01ae8ef526   jboss/keycloak:6.0.1   "/opt/jboss/tools/do…"   3 days ago      Exited (255) 10 hours ago>8080/tcp     codever-keycloak
f7c51c81dc4f   mongo:3.4              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 days ago      Exited (255) 10 hours ago>27017/tcp   codever-mongo
5b2f88b9fe57   postgres               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 days ago      Exited (255) 10 hours ago   5432/tcp                   codever-postgres

You could also obtain similar results if piping the docker ps command to grep - docker ps -a | grep codever

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Project: Codever

Enclose the response in setTimeout

router.get('/', async (request, response) => {

  const {page, limit} = PaginationQueryParamsHelper.getPageAndLimit(request);
  const bookmarks = await PublicBookmarksService.getLatestPublicBookmarks(page, limit);

  setTimeout((() => {
    return response.send(bookmarks);
  }), 2000)

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Project: Codever - File: user.router.js The values are present in the request.body which contains key-value pairs of data submitted in the request body. In our case we access the userDisplayName with the following expression request.body.userDisplayName as in the example below:'/:userId/bookmarks/upload', keycloak.protect(),
  uploadBookmarks.single("bookmarks" /* name attribute of <file> element in your form */),
  async (request, response) => {

    const userDisplayName = request.body.userDisplayName;
    const importResponse = await browserBookmarksImportService.imporBrowserBookmarks(request.params.userId, request.file.buffer, userDisplayName);

    const str = JSON.stringify(importResponse, null, 2); // spacing level = 2

    return response.status(HttpStatus.OK).send(importResponse);

In angular the userDisplayName value has been appended to the FormData and submitted to a post request via the Angular Http Client:

  uploadBookmarks(userId: String, bookmarks: File, userDisplayName: string): Observable<any> {
    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('bookmarks', bookmarks);
    formData.append('userDisplayName', userDisplayName);

    return`${this.usersApiBaseUrl}/${userId}/bookmarks/upload`, formData);

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