The bookmarks on are persisted in a MongoDB Server. Very often I find myself in the situation, where I need to modify or look for something in the mongo database. Experience has taught me that interacting with a system via shell commands helps me understand it better, and sort of brings me closer to it. Ok, so how to find the right mongo shell command? Well, I google for it of course, and most likely I am pointed to the right entry in the Mongo manual. In this post I try to consolidate the commands I usually use, so that I have only one bookmark to look for…

Octocat Source code for is available on Github - Star

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In this post I will shortly present how to enable the provided RESTEasy CORS Filter in a REST API backend application. Well, it is officially documented, but for me was not that straightforward to use it and I want to share how I accomplished this. If you are new to CORS and want to learn more about it I suggest you read the document from Mozilla Developer Network - HTTP access control (CORS).

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In this post I will briefly describe the steps and issues encountered when migrating a Java EE REST API from JBoss EAP 6 to JBoss EAP 7 - this implies migrating from a Java EE 6/JAX RS 1.0 implementation to a Java EE 7/JAX RS.2.0 implementation. The trigger was the announcement from Red Hat regarding the general availability of their JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 (JBoss EAP) 1. JBoss EAP 7 is based on Wildfly 102, so the code snippets showed along the post should work on Wildfly 10 too.

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One of my main concern when I considered the migration from Wordpress to Jekyll was how would I be able to handle multiple authors, because this plays an important role in the website supporting our Coding Friend Program. Fear no more, I have found a satisfactory way to handle multiple authors with Jekyll1 and in this short post I list the main points concerning that.

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Not long time ago I have rediscovered an old friend - Bash1 the Alias2. We were never best friends until now. We got acquainted at the beginning of my computer science studies. I visited back then a course held by Cisco, “Linux Essentials” or something like that. The trainer mentioned at one point what were aliases and how handy they could be. Well 12 years later, and I still had not gotten that, until recently, when the alias presented himself in a new light to me. Since then we’ve been best friends. Read on to learn why.

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